The greatest advertising campaign in the world is a failure if you can’t convert the initial contact from potential clients into a signed up file. This area has evolved more in recent years than perhaps any other aspect of our practice. Over the years, we have tried all different strategies to capture and convert leads into actual cases. It is a lot more difficult than it sounds. In my experience, this is the weakest area of practice for many firms….and they don’t even realize it. Every call you fail to convert costs you thousands of dollars. Use my experience to your advantage.
TV and Radio are great. But there is more to it. I know what the secret sauce of a successful advertising plan is. If you advertise in the traditional media and just sit back and wait for the phone to ring, you are making a serious mistake. Our “Ground Game” is a battle-tested, targeted approach to grass roots marketing that is the reason our advertising campaigns have been so successful. It works in markets of all sizes and can be customized to fit your firm's unique characteristics
It seems every attorney I have come in contact with believes they have the best system for working up and resolving cases. In reality, most of them contain much-wasted effort and delay. My case management system has been developed through years of trial and error. There is no reason you have to waste time, effort and money when I can show you my method which has resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts. This is the area where I can have the biggest impact on your practice.
The problem with trying to get professional advice on legal advertising is that everyone you contact is only interested in selling you something. Most of them have never actually run a law firm and truly don’t understand our business. They want you to buy what they are selling so they can earn fees and commissions. I’m unique in that I’m not selling anything. You can read in my bio about my decades of experience at the highest levels of the legal advertising world….I’ve actually done it. You pay me for my time and I act as a consultant. No strings attached.
Over the years, we tried many different ways to compensate our attorneys. We know what works and what doesn’t. We also know the traits that ALL successful Trial Attorneys possess. Hiring the right attorneys and motivating them with incentive-based compensation will have a dramatic impact on your profitability
Your payroll is the best and worst part of the business side of a law firm. Bloated payroll comes from overpaying non-productive workers because you are convinced they are irreplaceable. Most are not. Identify your true stars and make absolutely sure you never lose them. But objectively, truly irreplaceable employees are few and far between. I have hired and managed literally thousands of people in my career. Let me take an objective fresh look at your staff and give you an independent analysis
Preparing and following a sound annual budget is the key to law firm profitability. If you have one, I will thoroughly review it and make appropriate suggestions to significantly reduce your overhead. If you do not currently have one, I will prepare one for you customized to your unique needs. I cannot overstate how important this is